
Die Forschungsgruppen des TKFIs publizieren in international anerkannten Peer-Review Journalen. Die gelisteten Veröffentlichungen unterstreichen die Vernetzung der onkologisch ausgerichteten Projekte und der GrundlagenforscherInnen mit lokalen und internationalen Universitätskliniken sowie Universitäten.

Viele dieser Veröffentlichungen werden durch kompetitiv vergebene Drittmittelprojekte gefördert, die unter anderem von FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung), von der FFG (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH) oder vom europäischen H2020 (Horizon 2020) -Programm bereitgestellt werden.


  • Scheiblecker L., Klampfl T., Doma E., Nebenfuehr S., Torres-Quesada O., Strich S., Heller G., Werdenich D., Tschulenk W., Zojer M., Bellutti F., Schirripa A., Zöchbauer-Müller S., Valent P., Walter I., Stefan E., Sexl V. & Kollmann K. CDK6 kinase inhibition unmasks metabolic dependencies in BCR::ABL1+ leukemia. Cell Death Dis., 16(1):107. (2025).
  • Gebhart M., Alilou M., Gust R. & Salcher S. Circumventing Imatinib resistance in CML: Novel Telmisartan-based cell death modulators with improved activity and stability. Eur J Med Chem., 5;283:117106. (2025).
  • Schoepf A. M., Gebhart M., Federspiel M., Heidegger I., Puhr M., Hotze M., Kwiatkowski M., Pircher A., Wolf D., Sopper S., Gust R. & Salcher S. Eradication of Therapy-Resistant Cancer Stem Cells by Novel Telmisartan Derivatives. J Med Chem., 9;68(1):287-306. (2025).


  • Schirripa A., Schöppe H., Nebenfuehr S., Zojer M., Klampfl T., Kugler V., Maw B. S., Ceylan H., Uras I. Z., Scheiblecker L., Gamper E., Stelzl U., Stefan E., Kaserer T., Sexl V. & Kollmann K. Cdk6’s functions are critically regulated by its unique C-terminus. iScience, 28(2):111697. (2024).
  • Daum S., Decristoforo L., Mousa M., Salcher S., Plattner C., Hosseinkhani B., Trajanoski Z., Wolf D., Carmeliet P. & Pircher A. Unveiling the immunomodulatory dance: endothelial cells’ function and their role in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Cancer, 24(1):21. (2024).
  • Scheiber A., Trebo M., Pittl A., Heidegger I., Hautz T., Oberhuber R., Trajanoski Z., Augustin F., Sopper S., Wolf D., Pircher A. & Salcher S. Profiling low-mRNA content cells in complex human tissues using BD Rhapsody single-cell analysis. STAR Protoc., 20;5(4):103475. (2024).
  • Dudziak D., Heger L., Agace W. W., Bakker J., de Gruijl T. D., Dress R. J., Dutertre C. A., Fenton T. M., Fransen M. F., Ginhoux F., Heyman O., Horev Y., Hornsteiner F., Kandiah V., Kles P., Lubin R., Mizraji G., Prokopi A., Saar O., Sopper S., Stoitzner P., Strandt H., Sykora M. M., Toffoli E. C., Tripp C. H., van Pul K., van de Ven R., Wilensky A., Yona S. & Zelle-Rieser C. Guidelines for preparation and flow cytometry analysis of human nonlymphoid tissue DC. Eur J Immunol., 12:e2250325. Epub ahead of print. (2024).
  • Bohn J. P., Stolzlechner V., Göbel G., Willenbacher W., Pirklbauer M., Steiner N. & Wolf D. Beta-2-Microglobulin Maintains Overall Survival Prediction in Binet A Stage Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients with Compromised Kidney Function in Both Treatment Eras of Chemoimmunotherapy and Targeted Agents. Cancers (Basel), 16(22):3744. (2024).
  • Benjamin-Zukerman T., Shimon G., Gaine M. E., Dakwar A., Peled N., Aboraya M., Masri-Ismail A., Safadi-Safa R., Solomon M., Lev-Ram V., Rissman R. A., Mayrhofer J. E., Raffeiner A., Mol M. O., Argue B. M. R., McCool S., Doan B., van Swieten J., Stefan E., Abel T., Ilouz R. A mutation in the PRKAR1B gene drives pathological mechanisms of neurodegeneration across species. Brain, 147(11):3890-3905. (2024).
  • Nedden S. Z., Safari M. S., Weber D., Kuenkel L., Garmsiri C., Lang L., Orset C., Freret T., Haelewyn B., Hotze M., Kwiatkowski M., Sarg B., Faserl K., Savic D., Skvortsova I. I., Krogsdam A., Carollo S., Trajanoski Z., Oberacher H., Zlotek D., Ostermaier F., Cameron A., Baier G. & Baier-Bitterlich G. Protein kinase N1 deficiency results in upregulation of cerebral energy metabolism and is highly protective in in vivo and in vitro stroke models. Metabolism, 156039. (2024).
  • Neuerburg C. K. F., Schmitz F., Schmitz M. T., Rehnelt S., Schumacher M., Parčina M., Schmid M., Wolf D., Brossart P. & Holderried T. A. W. Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Allogeneic Stem Cell transplantation-A Comprehensive Single Center Retrospective Analysis. Transplant Cell Ther., S2666-6367(24)00664-X. (2024).
  • Mildner F. O., Sykora M. M., Hackl H., Amann A., Zelger B., Sprung S., Buch M. L., Nocera F., Moser P., Maier H., Augustin F., Manzl C., Kocher F., Pircher A., Lindenmann J., Mykoliuk I., Raftopoulou S., Kargl J., Wolf D., Sopper S. & Gamerith G. Soluble PD-L1 shows no association to relapse and overall survival in early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Lung Cancer, 196:107955. (2024).
  • Costacurta F., Dodaro A., Bante D., Schöppe H., Peng J. Y., Sprenger B., He X., Moghadasi S. A., Egger L. M., Fleischmann J., Pavan M., Bassani D., Menin S., Rauch S., Krismer L., Sauerwein A., Heberle A., Rabensteiner T., Ho J., Harris R. S., Stefan E., Schneider R., Dunzendorfer-Matt T., Naschberger A., Wang D., Kaserer T., Moro S., von Laer D. & Heilmann E. A comprehensive study of SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) inhibitor-resistant mutants selected in a VSV-based system. PLoS Pathog., 20(9):e1012522. (2024).
  • Bernkop-Schnürch A. D., Huber K., Clauser A., Cziferszky M., Leitner D., Talasz H., Hermann M., Hohloch S., Gust R. & Kircher B. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel halogenated chlorido[N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-bis(3-methoxyphenyl)ethylenediamine]iron(III) complexes as anticancer agents. J Biol Inorg Chem., 29(6):583-599. (2024).
  • Vidal-Calvo E. E., Martin-Salazar A., Choudhary S., Dagil R., Raghavan S. S. R., Duvnjak L., Nordmaj M. A., Clausen T. M., Skafte A., Oberkofler J., Wang K., Agerbæk M. Ø., Løppke C., Jørgensen A. M., Ropac D., Mujollari J., Willis S., Garcias López A., Miller R. L., Karlsson R. T. G., Goerdeler F., Chen Y. H., Colaço A. R., Wang Y., Lavstsen T., Martowicz A., Nelepcu I., Marzban M., Oo H. Z., Ørum-Madsen M. S., Wang Y., Nielsen M. A., Clausen H., Wierer M., Wolf D., Gögenur I., Theander T. G., Al-Nakouzi N., Gustavsson T., Daugaard M. & Salanti A. Tumor-agnostic cancer therapy using antibodies targeting oncofetal chondroitin sulfate. Nat Commun., 15(1):7553. (2024).
  • Bernkop-Schnürch A. D., Hermann M., Leitner D., Talasz H., Descher H. A., Hohloch S., Gust R. & Kircher B. Transferrin Receptor-Mediated Cellular Uptake of Fluorinated Chlorido[N,N‘-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine]iron(III) Complexes. ACS Omega, 9(33):35394-35407. (2024).
  • Hofer T., Pipperger L., Danklmaier S., Das K. & Wollmann G. Characterization of the Anti-Viral and Vaccine-Specific CD8+ T Cell Composition upon Treatment with the Cancer Vaccine VSV-GP. Vaccines (Basel), 12(8):867. (2024).
  • Kugler V., Schwaighofer S., Feichtner A., Enzler F., Fleischmann J., Strich S., Schwarz S., Wilson R., Tschaikner P., Troppmair J., Sexl V., Meier P., Kaserer T. & Stefan E. Impact of protein and small molecule interactions on kinase conformations. Elife, 13:RP94755. (2024).
  • Prantl L., Heider P., Bergmeister L., Calana K., Bohn J. P., Wolf D., Banki Z., Bosch A., Plach M., Huber G., Schrödel S., Thirion C. & Stoiber H. Enhancement of complement-dependent cytotoxicity by linking factor-H derived short consensus repeats 19-20 to CD20 antibodies. Front Immunol., 15:1379023. (2024).
  • Morgenstern-Kaplan D., Kareff S. A., Trabolsi A., Rodriguez E., Krause H., Ribeiro J. R., Tan H., Antonarakis E. S., Lou E., Nagasaka M., Algaze S., Lenz H. J., Liu S. V., Halmos B., Hoon D. S. B., Seeber A., Ma P. C., El-Deiry W. S., Vanderwalde A. M. & Lopes G. Genomic, immunologic, and prognostic associations of TROP2 (TACSTD2) expression in solid tumors. Oncologist, 10:oyae168. Epub ahead of print. (2024).
  • Wolf D. & Pircher A. Targeting metabolic dependencies in JAK2-V617F-driven MPNs. Blood Adv., 8(9):2310-2311. (2024).
  • Salcher S., Heidegger I., Untergasser G., Fotakis G., Scheiber A., Martowicz A., Noureen A., Krogsdam A., Schatz C., Schäfer G., Trajanoski Z., Wolf D., Sopper S. & Pircher A. Comparative analysis of 10X Chromium vs. BD Rhapsody whole transcriptome single-cell sequencing technologies in complex human tissues. Heliyon, 10(7):e28358. (2024).
  • Feichtner A., Enzler F., Kugler V., Hoppe K., Mair S., Kremser L., Lindner H., Huber R. G., Stelzl U., Stefan E. Torres-Quesada O. Phosphorylation of the compartmentalized PKA substrate TAF15 regulates RNA-protein interactions. Cell Mol Life Sci., 81(1):162. (2024).
  • Flygt H., Söderlund S., Richter J., Saussele S., Koskenvesa P., Stenke L., Mustjoki S., Dimitrijevic A., Stentoft J., Majeed W., Roy L., Wolf D., Dreimane A., Gjertsen B. T., Gedde-Dahl T., Ahlstrand E., Markevärn B., Hjorth-Hansen H., Janssen J. & Olsson-Strömberg U. Correction: Treatment-free remission after a second TKI discontinuation attempt in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia re-treated with dasatinib – interim results from the DAstop2 trial. Leukemia, 38(4):925. (2024).
  • Hoppe N., Harrison S., Hwang S. H., Chen Z., Karelina M., Deshpande I., Suomivuori C. M., Palicharla V. R., Berry S. P., Tschaikner P., Regele D., Covey D. F., Stefan E., Marks D. S., Reiter J. F., Dror R. O., Evers A. S., Mukhopadhyay S. & Manglik A. GPR161 structure uncovers the redundant role of sterol-regulated ciliary cAMP signaling in the Hedgehog pathway. Nat Struct Mol Biol., 31(4):667-677. Epub (2024).
  • Flygt H., Söderlund S., Richter J., Saussele S., Koskenvesa P., Stenke L., Mustjoki S., Dimitrijevic A., Stentoft J., Majeed W., Roy L., Wolf D., Dreimane A., Gjertsen B. T., Gedde-Dahl T., Ahlstrand E., Markevärn B., Hjorth-Hansen H., Janssen J. & Olsson-Strömberg U. Treatment-free remission after a second TKI discontinuation attempt in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia re-treated with dasatinib – interim results from the DAstop2 trial. Leukemia, 38(4):781-787. Epub (2024).
  • Wolf D., Salcher S. & Pircher A. The multivisceral landscape of colorectal cancer metastasis: implications for targeted therapies. J Clin Invest., 134(5):e178331. (2024).
  • Massri M., Toonen E. J. M., Sarg B., Kremser L., Grasse M., Fleischer V., Torres-Quesada O., Hengst L., Skjoedt M. O., Bayarri-Olmos R., Rosbjerg A., Garred P., Orth-Höller D., Prohászka Z. & Würzner R. Complement C7 and clusterin form a complex in circulation. Front Immunol., 15:1330095. (2024).
  • Juen F., Glänzer D., Plangger R., Kugler V., Fleischmann J., Stefan E., Case D. A., Kovacs H., Kwaku Dayie T. & Kreutz C. Enhanced TROSY Effect in [2-19 F, 2-13 C] Adenosine and ATP Analogs Facilitates NMR Spectroscopy of Very Large Biological RNAs in Solution. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., e202316273. (2024).


  • Bernkop-Schnürch A. D., Chavooshi D., Descher H. A., Leitner D., Talasz H., Hermann M., Wurst K., Hohloch S., Gust R. & Kircher B. Design, Synthesis, Electrochemical, and Biological Evaluation of Fluorescent Chlorido[N,N‘-bis(methoxy/hydroxy)salicylidene-1,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethylenediamine]iron(III) Complexes as Anticancer Agents. J Med Chem., 66(23):15916-15925. (2023).
  • Ayvazyan A., Deutsch L., Zidorn C., Kircher B. & Çiçek S. S. Cytotoxic diterpenoids from Salvia glutinosa and comparison with the tanshinone profile of danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza). Front Plant Sci., 14:1269710. (2023).
  • Koeck S., Amann A., Kern J., Zwierzina M., Lorenz E., Sopper S., Zwierzina H., Mildner F., Sykora M., Sprung S., Hackl H., Augustin F., Maier H. T., Pircher A., Pall G., Wolf D. & Gamerith G. Whole stromal fibroblast signature is linked to specific chemokine and immune infiltration patterns and to improved survival in NSCLC. Oncoimmunology, 12(1):2274130. (2023).
  • Rensing-Ehl A., Lorenz M. R., Führer M., Willenbacher W., Willenbacher E., Sopper S., Abinun M., Maccari M. E., König C., Haegele P., Fuchs S., Castro C., Kury P., Pelle O., Klemann C., Heeg M., Thalhammer J., Wegehaupt O., Fischer M., Goldacker S., Schulte B., Biskup S., Chatelain P., Schuster V., Warnatz K., Grimbacher B., Meinhardt A., Holzinger D., Oommen P. T., Hinze T., Hebart H., Seeger K., Lehmberg K., Leahy T. R., Claviez A., Vieth S., Schilling F. H., Fuchs I., Groß M., Rieux-Laucat F., Magerus A., Speckmann C., Schwarz K. & Ehl S & ALPS study group. Abnormal biomarkers predict complex FAS or FADD defects missed by exome sequencing. J Allergy Clin Immunol., S0091-6749(23)01462-8. (2023).
  • Cucchiaro A., Scherfler A., Corinti D., Berden G., Oomens J., Wurst K., Gust R., Crestoni M. E., Kircher B. & Cziferszky M. Amino Acids as Chelating Ligands for Platinum: Enhanced Stability in an Aqueous Environment Promoted by Biocompatible Molecules. J Med Chem., Epub ahead of print. (2023).
  • Probst H. C , Stoitzner P., Amon L., Backer R. A., Brand A., Chen J., Clausen B. E., Dieckmann S., Dudziak D., Heger L., Hodapp K., Hornsteiner F., Hovav A. H., Jacobi L., Ji X., Kamenjarin N., Lahl K., Lahmar I., Lakus J., Lehmann C. H. K., Ortner D., Picard M., Roberti M. P., Rossnagel L., Saba Y., Schalla C., Schlitzer A., Schraml B. U., Schütze K., Seichter A., Seré K., Seretis A., Sopper S., Strandt H., Sykora M. M., Theobald H., Tripp C. H. & Zitvogel L. Guidelines for DC preparation and flow cytometry analysis of mouse nonlymphoid tissues. Eur J Immunol., 53(11):e2249819. (2023).
  • Rauchenwald T., Handle F., Connolly C. E., Degen A., Seifarth C., Hermann M., Tripp C. H., Wilflingseder D., Lobenwein S., Savic D., Pölzl L., Morandi E. M., Wolfram D., Skvortsova I. I., Stoitzner P., Haybaeck J., Konschake M., Pierer G. & Ploner C. Preadipocytes in human granulation tissue: role in wound healing and response to macrophage polarization. Inflamm Regen., 43(1):53. (2023).
  • Costacurta F., Dodaro A., Bante D., Schöppe H., Sprenger B., Moghadasi S. A., Fleischmann J., Pavan M., Bassani D., Menin S., Rauch S., Krismer L., Sauerwein A., Heberle A., Rabensteiner T., Ho J., Harris R. S., Stefan E., Schneider R., Kaserer T., Moro S., von Laer D. & Heilmann E. A comprehensive study of SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) inhibitor-resistant mutants selected in a VSV-based system. bioRxiv [Preprint], 09.22.558628. (2023).
  • Isfort S., Manz K., Teichmann L. L., Crysandt M., Burchert A., Hochhaus A., Saussele S., Kiani A., Göthert J. R., Illmer T., Schafhausen P., Al-Ali H. K., Stegelmann F., Hänel M., Pfeiffer T., Giagounidis A., Franke G. N., Koschmieder S., Fabarius A., Ernst T., Warnken-Uhlich M., Wolber U., Kohn D., Pfirrmann M., Wolf D., Brümmendorf T. H. & German CML study group. Step-in dosing of bosutinib in pts with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) after second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy: results of the Bosutinib Dose Optimization (BODO) Study. Ann Hematol., 102(10):2741-2752. (2023)
  • Moesslacher C. S., Auernig E., Woodsmith J., Feichtner A., Jany-Luig E., Jehle S., Worseck J. M., Heine C. L., Stefan E. & Stelzl U. Missense variant interaction scanning reveals a critical role of the FERM domain for tumor suppressor protein NF2 conformation and function. Life Sci Alliance, 6(8):e202302043. (2023).
  • Kugler V., Lieb A., Guerin N., Donald B. R., Stefan E. & Kaserer T. Disruptor: Computational identification of oncogenic mutants disrupting protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. Commun Biol., 6(1):720. (2023).
  • Zimmer K., Kocher F., Untergasser G., Kircher B., Amann A., Baca Y., Xiu J., Korn W. M., Berger M. D., Lenz H. J., Puccini A., Fontana E., Shields A. F., Marshall J. L., Hall M., El-Deiry W. S., Hsiehchen D., Macarulla T., Tabernero J., Pichler R., Khushman M., Manne U., Lou E., Wolf D., Sokolova V., Schnaiter S., Zeimet A. G., Gulhati P., Widmann G. & Seeber A. PBRM1 mutations might render a subtype of biliary tract cancers sensitive to drugs targeting the DNA damage repair system. NPJ Precis Oncol., 7(1):64. (2023).
  • Fleischmann J., Schwaighofer S., De Falco L., Enzler F., Feichtner A., Kugler V., Tschaikner P., Huber R. G. & Stefan E. Tracking and blocking interdependencies of cellular BRAF-MEK oncokinase activities. PNAS Nexus, 2(6):pgad185. (2023).
  • Hoppe N., Harrison S., Hwang S. H., Chen Z., Karelina M., Deshpande I., Suomivuori C. M., Palicharla V. R., Berry S. P., Tschaikner P., Regele D., Covey D. F., Stefan E., Marks D. S., Reiter J., Dror R. O., Evers A. S., Mukhopadhyay S. & Manglik A. GPR161 structure uncovers the redundant role of sterol-regulated ciliary cAMP signaling in the Hedgehog pathway. bioRxiv [Preprint], 2023.05.23.540554. (2023).
  • Tien Anh, D., Hai Nam, N., Kircher, B. & Baecker, D. The Impact of Fluorination on the Design of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. Molecules, 28(4):1973. (2023).
  • Descher, H., Strich, S. L., Hermann, M., Enoh, P., Kircher, B. & Gust R. Investigations on the Influence of the Axial Ligand in [Salophene]iron(III) Complexes on Biological Activity and Redox Behavior. Int J Mol Sci, 24(3):2173. (2023).
  • Ma, B. N., Baecker, D., Descher, H., Brandstaetter, P., Hermann, M., Kircher, B. & Gust, R. Synthesis and biological evaluation of salophen nickel(II) and cobalt(III) complexes as potential anticancer compounds. Arch Pharm (Weinheim), e2200655. Epub ahead of print. (2023).
  • Pichler R., Siska P. J., Tymoszuk P., Martowicz A., Untergasser G., Mayr R., Weber F., Seeber A., Kocher F., Barth D. A., Pichler M. & Thurnher M. A chemokine network of T cell exhaustion and metabolic reprogramming in renal cell carcinoma. Front Immunol, 14:1095195. (2023).
  • Zolotovskaia M. A., Modestov A. A., Suntsova M. V., Rachkova A. A., Koroleva E. V., Poddubskaya E. V., Sekacheva M. I., Tkachev V. S., Garazha A. V., Glusker A. A., Seryakov A. P., Vladimirova U. S., Rumiantsev P. O., Moisseev A. A., Zharkov D. O., Kuzmin D. V., Zhao X., Prassolov V. S., Shegay P. V., Li X., Steinbichler T. B., Kim E., Sorokin M. I., Wang Y. & Buzdin A. A. Pan-cancer antagonistic inhibition pattern of ATM-driven G2/M checkpoint pathway vs other DNA repair pathways. DNA Repair (Amst), 123:103448. (2023).
  • Savic, D., Steinbichler, T. B., Ingruber, J., Negro, G., Aschenbrenner, B., Riechelmann, H., Ganswindt, U., Skvortsov, S., Dudás, J. & Skvortsova, I. I. Erk1/2-Dependent HNSCC Cell Susceptibility to Erastin-Induced Ferroptosis. Cells, 12(2):336. (2023).


  • Jöhrer, K., Galarza Pérez M., Kircher, B. & Çiçek, S. S. Flavones, Flavonols, Lignans, and Caffeic Acid Derivatives from Dracocephalum moldavica and Their In Vitro Effects on Multiple Myeloma and Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Int J Mol Sci., 23(22):14219. (2022).
  • Torres-Quesada O., Strich S. & Stefan E. Kinase perturbations redirect mitochondrial function in cancer. Bioenerg Commun, 2022:17. (2022).
  • Salcher, S., Sturm, G., Horvath, L., Untergasser, G., Kuempers, C., Fotakis, G., Panizzolo, E., Martowicz, A., Trebo, M., Pall, G., Gamerith, G., Sykora, M., Augustin, F., Schmitz, K., Finotello, F., Rieder, D., Perner, S., Sopper, S., Wolf, D., Pircher, A. & Trajanoski, Z. High-resolution single-cell atlas reveals diversity and plasticity of tissue-resident neutrophils in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Cell, 40(12):1503-1520.e8. (2022).
  • Guerin, N., Feichtner, A., Stefan, E., Kaserer, T. & Donald, B. R. Resistor: An algorithm for predicting resistance mutations via Pareto optimization over multistate protein design and mutational signatures. Cell Syst,13(10):830-843.e3. (2022).
  • Piesik, D., Bocianowski, J., Kotwica, K., Lemańczyk, G., Piesik, M., Ruzsanyi, V. & Mayhew, C. A. Responses of Adult Hypera rumicis L. to Synthetic Plant Volatile Blends. Molecules, 27(19):6290. (2022).
  • Torres-Quesada, O., Doerrier, C., Strich, S., Gnaiger, E. & Stefan, E. Physiological Cell Culture Media Tune Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Cell Models. Cancers (Basel), 14(16):3917. (2022).
  • Greier, M. C., Runge, A., Dudas, J., Pider, V., Skvortsova, I. I., Savic, D. & Riechelmann, H. Mitochondrial dysfunction and epithelial to mesenchymal transition in head neck cancer cell lines. Sci Rep., 12(1):13255. (2022).
  • Ślefarska-Wolak, D., Heinzle, C., Leiherer, A., Ager, C., Muendlein, A., Mezmale, L., Leja, M., Corvalan, A. H., Drexel, H., Królicka, A., Shani, G., Mayhew, C. A., Haick, H. & Mochalski, P. Volatilomic Signatures of AGS and SNU-1 Gastric Cancer Cell Lines. Molecules, 27(13):4012. (2022).
  • Ingruber, J., Dudás, J., Savic, D., Schweigl, G., Steinbichler, T. B., Greier, M. D. C., Santer, M., Carollo, S., Trajanoski, Z. & Riechelmann, H. EMT-related transcription factors and protein stabilization mechanisms involvement in cadherin switch of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Exp Cell Res., 414(1):113084. (2022).
  • Mochalski, P., King, J., Mayhew, C. A. & Unterkofler, K. Modelling of Breath and Various Blood Volatilomic Profiles-Implications for Breath Volatile Analysis. Molecules, 27(8):2381. (2022).
  • Wolf, D. & Baier, G. IFNγ Helps CBLB-Deficient CD8+ T Cells to Put Up Resistance to Tregs. Cancer Immunol Res., 10(4):370. (2022).
  • Piesik, D., Lemańczyk, G., Bocianowski, J., Buszewski, B., Vidal, S. & Mayhew, C. A. Induction of volatile organic compounds in Triticum aestivum (wheat) plants following infection by different Rhizoctonia pathogens is species specific. Phytochemistry, 198:113162. (2022).
  • Goetzfried, S. K., Kapitza, P., Gallati, C. M., Nindl, A., Cziferszky, M., Hermann, M., Wurst, K., Kircher, B. & Gust, R. Investigations of the reactivity, stability and biological activity of halido (NHC)gold(I) complexes. Dalton Trans, 51(4):1395-1406. (2022).
  • Feichtner, A., Kugler, V., Schwaighofer, S., Nuener, T., Fleischmann, J. & Stefan E. Tracking mutation and drug-driven alterations of oncokinase conformations. Memo, 15(2):137-142. (2022).
  • Fiegl, H., Hagenbuchner, J., Kyvelidou, C., Seeber, B., Sopper, S., Tsibulak, I., Wieser, V., Reiser, E., Roessler, J., Huhtinen, K., Carpén, O., Parson, W., Sprung, S., Marth, C., Ausserlechner M. J. & Zeimet, A. G. Dubious effects of methadone as an “anticancer” drug on ovarian cancer cell-lines and patient-derived tumor-spheroids. Gynecol Oncol., 165(1):129-136. (2022).


  • Henderson, B., Slingers, G., Pedrotti, M., Pugliese, G., Malásková, M., Bryant, L., Lomonaco, T., Ghimenti, S., Moreno, S., Cordell, R., Harren, F. J. M., Schubert, J., Mayhew, C. A., Wilde, M., Di Francesco, F., Koppen, G., Beauchamp, J. D. & Cristescu, S. M. The peppermint breath test benchmark for PTR-MS and SIFT-MS. J Breath Res., (2021).
  • Heine, A., Holderried, T. A. W. & Wolf, D. ROCKing Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease. J Clin Oncol., 39(29):3308. (2021).
  • Pezzè, L., Meškytė, E. M., Forcato, M., Pontalti, S., Badowska, K. A., Rizzotto, D., Skvortsova, I. I., Bicciato, S. & Ciribilli, Y. ETV7 regulates breast cancer stem-like cell features by repressing IFN-response genes. Cell Death Dis., 12(8):742. (2021).
  • Naismith, E., Steichen, J., Sopper, S. & Wolf D. NK Cells in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN). Cancers (Basel), 13(17):4400. (2021).
  • Bohn, J. P., Salcher, S., Pircher, A., Untergasser, G. & Wolf, D. The Biology of Classic Hairy Cell Leukemia. Int J Mol Sci., 22(15):7780. (2021).
  • Kröger, N., Sockel, K., Wolschke, C., Bethge, W., Schlenk, R. F., Wolf, D., Stadler, M., Kobbe, G., Wulf, G., Bug, G., Schäfer-Eckart, K., Scheid, C., Nolte, F., Krönke, J., Stelljes, M., Beelen, D., Heinzelmann, M., Haase, D., Buchner, H., Bleckert, G., Giagounidis, A. & Platzbecker, U. Comparison Between 5-Azacytidine Treatment and Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Elderly Patients With Advanced MDS According to Donor Availability (VidazaAllo Study). J Clin Oncol., 39(30):3318-3327. (2021).
  • Boesch, M., Sykora, M., Gasteiger, S., Baty, F., Brutsche, M. H. & Sopper, S. OMIP 077: Definition of all principal human leukocyte populations using a broadly applicable 14-color panel. Cytometry A., 101(1):15-20. (2021).
  • Schanz, O., Cornez, I., Yajnanarayana, S. P., David, F. S., Peer, S., Gruber, T., Krawitz, P., Brossart, P., Heine, A., Landsberg, J., Baier, G. & Wolf, D. Tumor rejection in Cblb-/- mice depends on IL-9 and Th9 cells. J Immunother Cancer, 9(7):e002889. (2021).
  • Mukha, A., Kahya, U., Linge, A., Chen, O., Löck, S., Lukiyanchuk, V., Richter, S., Alves, T. C., Peitzsch, M., Telychko, V., Skvortsov, S., Negro, G., Aschenbrenner, B., Skvortsova, I. I., Mirtschink, P., Lohaus, F., Hölscher, T., Neubauer, H., Rivandi, M., Labitzky, V., Lange, T., Franken, A., Behrens, B., Stoecklein, N. H., Toma, M., Sommer, U., Zschaeck, S., Rehm, M., Eisenhofer, G., Schwager, C., Abdollahi, A., Groeben, C., Kunz-Schughart, L. A., Baretton, G. B., Baumann, M., Krause, M., Peitzsch, C. & Dubrovska, A. GLS-driven glutamine catabolism contributes to prostate cancer radiosensitivity by regulating the redox state, stemness and ATG5-mediated autophagy. Theranostics, 11(16):7844-7868. (2021).
  • Skvortsova, I. Cancer Stem Cells: What Do We Know about Them? Cells, 10(6):1528. (2021).
  • Jöhrer, K. & Ҫiҫek, S. S. Multiple Myeloma Inhibitory Activity of Plant Natural Products. Cancers (Basel), 13(11):2678. (2021).
  • Kripnerová, M., Parmar, H. S., Šána, J., Kopková, A., Radová, L., Sopper, S., Biernacki, K., Jedlička, J., Kohoutová, M., Kuncová, J., Peychl, J., Rudolf, E., Červinka, M., Houdek, Z., Dvořák, P., Houfková, K., Pešta, M., Tůma, Z., Dolejšová, M., Tichánek, F., Babuška, V., Leba, M., Slabý, O. & Hatina, J. Complex Interplay of Genes Underlies Invasiveness in Fibrosarcoma Progression Model. J Clin Med, 10(11):2297. (2021).
  • Orfanoudaki, M., Hartmann, A., Alilou, M., Mehic, N., Kwiatkowski, M., Jöhrer, K., Nguyen Ngoc, H., Hensel, A., Greil, R. & Ganzera, M. Cytotoxic Compounds of Two Demosponges (Aplysina aerophoba and Spongia sp.) from the Aegean Sea. Biomolecules, 11(5):723. (2021).
  • Ploner, C., Rauchenwald, T., Connolly, C. E., Joehrer, K., Rainer, J., Seifarth, C., Hermann, M., Nagl, M., Lobenwein, S., Wilflingseder, D., Cappellano, G., Morandi, E. M. & Pierer, G. Oxidant therapy improves adipogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells in human wound healing. Stem Cell Res Ther., 12(1):280. (2021).
  • Aschenbrenner, B., Negro, G., Savic, D., Sorokin, M., Buzdin, A., Ganswindt, U., Cemazar, M., Sersa, G., Skvortsov, S. & Skvortsova, I. Simvastatin is effective in killing the radioresistant breast carcinoma cells. Radiol Oncol., 55(3):305-316. (2021).
  • Senatore, E., Chiuso, F., Rinaldi, L., Intartaglia, D., Delle Donne, R., Pedone, E., Catalanotti, B., Pirone, L., Fiorillo, B., Moraca, F., Giamundo, G., Scala, G., Raffeiner, A., Torres-Quesada, O., Stefan, E., Kwiatkowski, M., van Pijkeren, A., Morleo, M., Franco, B., Garbi, C., Conte, I. & Feliciello, A. The TBC1D31/praja2 complex controls primary ciliogenesis through PKA-directed OFD1 ubiquitylation. EMBO J., 40(10):e106503. (2021).
  • Fleischmann, J., Feichtner, A., DeFalco, L., Kugler, V., Schwaighofer, S., Huber, R. G. & Stefan, E. Allosteric Kinase Inhibitors Reshape MEK1 Kinase Activity Conformations in Cells and In Silico. Biomolecules, 11(4):518. (2021).
  • Pournejati, R., Gust, R., Sagasser, J., Kircher, B., Jöhrer, K., Ghanbari, M. M. & Karbalaei-Heidari, H. R. In vitro evaluation of cytotoxic effects of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) produced by Bacillus velezensis strain RP137 isolated from Persian Gulf. Toxicol In Vitro, 73:105148. (2021).
  • Ҫiҫek, S. S., Willer, J., Preziuso, F., Sönnichsen, F., Greil, R., Girreser, U., Zidorn, C. & Jöhrer, K. Cytotoxic constituents and a new hydroxycinnamic acid derivative from Leontodon saxatilis (Asteraceae, Cichorieae). RSC Adv., 11(18):10489-10496. (2021).
  • Speckbacher, V., Zeilinger, S., Zimmermann, S., Mayhew, C. A., Wiesenhofer, H. & Ruzsanyi, V. Monitoring the volatile language of fungi using gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem., 413(11):3055-3067. (2021).
  • Ingruber, J., Savic, D., Steinbichler, T. B., Sprung, S., Fleischer, F., Glueckert, R., Schweigl, G., Skvortsova, I. I., Riechelmann, H. & Dudás, J. KLF4, Slug and EMT in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cells, 10(3):539. (2021).
  • Schoepf, A. M., Salcher, S., Obexer, P. & Gust, R. Tackling resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia: Novel cell death modulators with improved efficacy. Eur J Med Chem., 216:113285. (2021).
  • Buzdin, A., Skvortsova, I. I., Li, X. & Wang, Y. Editorial: Next Generation Sequencing Based Diagnostic Approaches in Clinical Oncology. Front Oncol., 10:635555. (2021).
  • Wolf, D. & Pircher, A. Vaccination influenz(a)ing cancer-specific survival. Int J Cancer, 148(8):1806-1807. (2021).
  • Lindner, A. K., Schachtner, G., Tulchiner, G., Thurnher, M., Untergasser, G., Obrist, P., Pipp, I., Steinkohl, F., Horninger, W., Culig, Z. & Pichler, R. Lynch Syndrome: Its Impact on Urothelial Carcinoma. Int J Mol Sci., 22(2):531. (2021).


  • Ratiu, I. A., Ligor, T., Bocos-Bintintan, V., Mayhew, C. A. & Buszewski, B. Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaled Breath as Fingerprints of Lung Cancer, Asthma and COPD. J Clin Med., 10(1):32. (2020).
  • Pournejati, R., Gust, R., Kircher, B. & Karbalaei-Heidari, H.R. Microindoline 581, an Indole Derivative from Microbacterium Sp. RP581 as A Novel Selective Antineoplastic Agent to Combat Hepatic Cancer Cells: Production, Optimization and Structural Elucidation. Iran J Pharm Res., 19(4):290-305. (2020).
  • Steiner, N., Jöhrer, K., Plewan, S., Brunner-Véber, A., Göbel, G., Nachbaur, D., Wolf, D., Gunsilius, E. & Untergasser, G. The FMS like Tyrosine Kinase 3 (FLT3) Is Overexpressed in a Subgroup of Multiple Myeloma Patients with Inferior Prognosis. Cancers (Basel), 12(9):2341. (2020).
  • Nagl, L., Horvath, L., Pircher, A. & Wolf, D. Tumor Endothelial Cells (TECs) as Potential Immune Directors of the Tumor Microenvironment – New Findings and Future Perspectives. Front Cell Dev Biol., 8:766. (2020).
  • Baecker, D., Kapp, T., Schumacher, P., Gust, R. & Kircher, B. Cell death-inducing properties of selected dendrimers against different breast cancer and leukemia cell lines. Arch Pharm (Weinheim), 353(11):e2000209. (2020).
  • Strashilov, S. A., Yordanov, A. D., Vasileva-Slaveva, M. B. & Konsoulova, A. A. Re-excision within a radius of 2 cm in patients with melanoma of the skin – sufficient for local oncological radicalness. Arch Med Sci., 18(3):690-695. (2020).
  • Steinbichler, T. B., Dudas, J., Ingruber, J., Glueckert, R., Sprung, S., Fleischer, F., Cidlinsky, N., Dejaco, D., Kofler, B., Giotakis, A. I., Skvortsova, I. I. & Riechelmann, H. Slug Is A Surrogate Marker of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Head and Neck Cancer. J Clin Med., 9(7):2061. (2020).
  • Baecker, D., Ma, B. N., Sagasser, J., Schultz, L., Hörschläger, C., Weinreich, M., Steiner, L., Kircher, B. & Gust, R. Amide and ester derivatives of chlorido[4-carboxy-1,2-disalicylideneaminobenzene]iron(iii) as necroptosis and ferroptosis inducers. Dalton Trans., 49(20):6842-6853. (2020).
  • Skvortsova, I. I. & Span, P. N. Editorial: Advances in Biological Understanding of Tumor Radiation Resistance. Front Oncol., 10:754. (2020).
  • Schoepf, A. M., Salcher, S., Hohn, V., Veider, F., Obexer, P. & Gust, R. Synthesis and Characterization of Telmisartan-Derived Cell Death Modulators to Circumvent Imatinib Resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. ChemMedChem., 15(12):1067-1077. (2020).
  • Mildner, F., Sopper, S., Amann, A., Pircher, A., Pall, G., Köck, S., Naismith, E., Wolf, D. & Gamerith, G. Systematic review: Soluble immunological biomarkers in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Crit Rev Oncol Hematol., 153:102948. (2020).
  • Schoepf, A. M., Salcher, S., Obexer, P., Gust, R. Identification and development of non-cytotoxic cell death modulators: Impact of sartans and derivatives on PPARγ activation and on growth of imatinib-resistant chronic myelogenous leukemia cells. Eur J Med Chem., 195:112258. (2020).
  • Arnold, C. R., Mangesius, J., Skvortsova, I. I. & Ganswindt, U. The Role of Cancer Stem Cells in Radiation Resistance. Front Oncol., 10:164. (2020).
  • Negro, G., Aschenbrenner, B., Brezar, S. K., Cemazar, M., Coer, A., Gasljevic, G., Savic, D., Sorokin, M., Buzdin, A., Callari, M., Kvitsaridze, I., Jewett, A., Vasileva-Slaveva, M., Ganswindt, U., Skvortsova, I. & Skvortsov, S. Molecular heterogeneity in breast carcinoma cells with increased invasive capacities. Radiol Oncol., 54(1):103-118. (2020).
  • Jöhrer, K., Stuppner, H., Greil, R. & Çiçek, S. S. Structure-Guided Identification of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) Triterpenoids with In Vitro Activity against Multiple Myeloma. Molecules, 11;25(4):766. (2020).
  • Neuwirt, H., Bouchal, J., Kharaishvili, G., Ploner, C., Jöhrer, K., Pitterl, F., Weber, A., Klocker, H. & Eder, I. E. Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote prostate tumor growth and progression through upregulation of cholesterol and steroid biosynthesis. Cell Commun Signal., 18(1):11. (2020).
  • Borjan, B., Kern, J., Steiner, N., Gunsilius, E., Wolf, D. & Untergasser, G. Spliced XBP1 Levels Determine Sensitivity of Multiple Myeloma Cells to Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib Independent of the Unfolded Protein Response Mediator GRP78. Front Oncol., 9:1530. (2020).
  • Park J. H., Jeong G. H., Lee K. S., Lee K. H., Suh J. S., Eisenhut M., van der Vliet H. J., Kronbichler A., Stubbs B., Solmi M., Dragioti E., Koyanagi A., Shin J. I. & Gamerith G. Genetic variations in MicroRNA genes and cancer risk: A field synopsis and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Invest., 50(4):e13203. (2020).
  • Neuwirt H., Bouchal J., Kharaishvili G., Ploner C., Jöhrer K., Pitterl F., Weber A., Klocker H. & Eder I. E. Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote prostate tumor growth and progression through upregulation of cholesterol and steroid biosynthesis. Cell Commun Signal., 18(1):11. (2020).
  • Yordanov A., Karamanliev M., Tantchev L., Konsoulova A., Strashilov S. & Vasileva-Slaveva M. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix-Single-Center Study Over a 10-Year Period. Medicina (Kaunas), 56(1):37. (2020).
  • Pichler R., Lindner A. K., Compérat E., Obrist P., Schäfer G., Todenhöfer T., Horninger W., Culig Z. & Untergasser G. Amplification of 7p12 Is Associated with Pathologic Nonresponse to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. Am J Pathol., 190(2):442-452. (2020).
  • Wolf D., Fiegl H., Zeimet A. G., Wieser V., Marth C., Sprung S., Sopper S., Hartmann G., Reimer D. & Boesch M. High RIG-I expression in ovarian cancer associates with an immune-escape signature and poor clinical outcome. Int J Cancer, 146(7):2007-2018. (2020).
  • Skvortsova I. Special Issue “Enigmatic tumor properties associated with metastatic spread” seminars in cancer biology, volume XX. Semin Cancer Biol., 60:iii-iv. (2020).
  • Schoepf A. M., Salcher S., Obexer P. & Gust R. Overcoming imatinib resistance in chronic myelogenous leukemia cells using non-cytotoxic cell death modulators. Eur J Med Chem., 185:111748. (2020).
  • Salcher S., Spoden G., Hagenbuchner J., Führer S., Kaserer T., Tollinger M., Huber-Cantonati P., Gruber T., Schuster D., Gust R., Zwierzina H., Müller T., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Ausserlechner M. J. & Obexer P. A drug library screen identifies Carbenoxolone as novel FOXO inhibitor that overcomes FOXO3-mediated chemoprotection in high-stage neuroblastoma. Oncogene, 39(5):1080-1097. (2020).
  • Steinbichler T. B., Savic D., Dudás J., Kvitsaridze I., Skvortsov S., Riechelmann H. & Skvortsova I. I. Cancer stem cells and their unique role in metastatic spread. Semin Cancer Biol., 60:148-156. (2020).


  • Salcher S., Spoden G., Huber J. M., Golderer G., Lindner H., Ausserlechner M. J., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Geiger K. & Obexer P. Repaglinide Silences the FOXO3/Lumican Axis and Represses the Associated Metastatic Potential of Neuronal Cancer Cells. Cells, 2019 Dec 18;9(1):1. doi: 10.3390/cells9010001. PMID: 31861249; PMCID: PMC7017090.
  • Yordanov A., Karamanliev M., Karcheva M., Konsoulova A., Vasileva-Slaveva M. & Strashilov S. Single-Center Study of Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix over a 10-Year Period. Medicina (Kaunas), 55(12):780. (2019).
  • Hagenbuchner J., Obsilova V., Kaserer T., Kaiser N., Rass B., Psenakova K., Docekal V., Alblova M., Kohoutova K., Schuster D., Aneichyk T., Vesely J., Obexer P., Obsil T. & Ausserlechner M. J. Modulating FOXO3 transcriptional activity by small, DBD-binding molecules. Elife, 8:e48876.(2019).
  • Kim J. Y., Kronbichler A., Eisenhut M., Hong S. H., van der Vliet H. J., Kang J., Shin J. I. & Gamerith G. Tumor Mutational Burden and Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel), 11(11):1798. (2019).
  • Kim J. Y., Lee K. H., Kang J., Borcoman E., Saada-Bouzid E., Kronbichler A., Hong S. H., de Rezende L. F. M., Ogino S., Keum N., Song M., Luchini C., van der Vliet H. J., Shin J. I. & Gamerith G. Hyperprogressive Disease during Anti-PD-1 (PDCD1) / PD-L1 (CD274) Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel), 11(11):1699. (2019).
  • Spizzo G., Siebert U., Gastl G., Voss A., Schuster K., Leonard R. & Seeber A. Cost-comparison analysis of a multiplatform tumour profiling service to guide advanced cancer treatment. Cost Eff Resour Alloc., 17:23. (2019).
  • Willenbacher E., Jöhrer K., Willenbacher W., Flögel B., Greil R. & Kircher B. Pixantrone demonstrates significant in vitro activity against multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia. Ann Hematol. 98(11):2569-2578. (2019).
  • Baecker D., Obermoser V., Kirchner E. A., Hupfauf A., Kircher B. & Gust R. Fluorination as tool to improve bioanalytical sensitivity and COX-2-selective antitumor activity of cobalt alkyne complexes. Dalton Trans., 48(42):15856-15868. (2019).
  • Sagasser J., Ma B. N., Baecker D., Salcher S., Hermann M., Lamprecht J., Angerer S., Obexer P., Kircher B., Gust R. A New Approach in Cancer Treatment: Discovery of Chlorido[N,N‘-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylenediamine]iron(III) Complexes as Ferroptosis Inducers. J Med Chem., 62(17):8053-8061. (2019).
  • Boesch M., Baty F., Rumpold H., Sopper S., Wolf D., Brutsche M. H. Fibroblasts in cancer: Defining target structures for therapeutic intervention. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer, 1872(1):111-121. (2019).
  • Shulha O., Çiçek S. S., Wangensteen H., Kroes J., Mäder M., Girreser U., Sendker J., Jöhrer K., Greil R., Schühly W., Mangoni A., Grauso L., van Thriel C. & Zidorn C. Lignans and sesquiterpene lactones from Hypochaeris radicata subsp. neapolitana (Asteraceae, Cichorieae). Phytochemistry, 165:112047. (2019).
  • Hatina J., Boesch M., Sopper S., Kripnerova M., Wolf D., Reimer D., Marth C. & Zeimet A. G. Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Heterogeneity. Adv Exp Med Biol., 1139:201-221. (2019).
  • Hatina J., Boesch M., Sopper S., Kripnerova M., Wolf D., Reimer D., Marth C. & Zeimet A. G. Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Heterogeneity. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1139:201-221. (2019).
  • Steinbichler T. B., Dudás J., Skvortsov S., Ganswindt U., Riechelmann H., Skvortsova I. I. Therapy resistance mediated by exosomes. Mol Cancer, 18(1):58. (2019).
  • Willer J., Jöhrer K., Greil R., Zidorn C., Çiçek S. S. Cytotoxic Properties of Damiana (Turnera diffusa) Extracts and Constituents and A Validated Quantitative UHPLC-DAD Assay. Molecules, 24(5):855. (2019).
  • Digomann D., Kurth I., Tyutyunnykova A., Chen O., Löck S., Gorodetska I., Peitzsch C., Skvortsova I. I., Negro G., Aschenbrenner B., Eisenhofer G., Richter S., Heiden S., Porrmann J., Klink B., Schwager C., Dowle A. A., Hein L., Kunz-Schughart L. A., Abdollahi A., Lohaus F., Krause M., Baumann M., Linge A. & Dubrovska A. The CD98 Heavy Chain Is a Marker and Regulator of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Radiosensitivity. Clin Cancer Res. 25(10):3152-3163. (2019).
  • Liccardi G., Ramos Garcia L., Tenev T., Annibaldi A., Legrand A. J., Robertson D., Feltham R., Anderton H., Darding M., Peltzer N., Dannappel M., Schünke H., Fava L. L., Haschka M. D., Glatter T., Nesvizhskii A., Schmidt A., Harris P. A., Bertin J., Gough P. J., Villunger A., Silke J., Pasparakis M., Bianchi K. & Meier P. RIPK1 and Caspase-8 Ensure Chromosome Stability Independently of Their Role in Cell Death and Inflammation. Mol Cell. 73(3):413-428.e7. (2019).


  • Steinbichler T. B., Dudás J., Skvortsov S., Ganswindt U., Riechelmann H. & Skvortsova I. I. Therapy resistance mediated by cancer stem cells. Semin Cancer Biol. 53:156-167. (2018).
  • Skvortsova I. Special Issue “Cancer Stem Cells: Impact on Treatment”. Semin Cancer Biol. 53:iii-iv. (2018).
  • Boesch M., Cosma A. & Sopper S. Flow Cytometry: To Dump or Not To Dump. J Immunol., 201(7):1813-1815. (2018).
  • Steiner N., Hajek R., Sevcikova S., Borjan B., Untergasser G., Göbel G. & Gunsilius E. The Plasma Levels of the Angiogenic Cytokine Endocan Are Elevated in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Anticancer Res., 38(9):5087-5092. (2018).
  • Steiner N., Müller U., Hajek R., Sevcikova S., Borjan B., Jöhrer K., Göbel G., Pircher A. & Gunsilius E. The metabolomic plasma profile of myeloma patients is considerably different from healthy subjects and reveals potential new therapeutic targets. PLoS One, 13(8):e0202045. (2018).
  • Salgado R., Harris L., Skvortsova I., Denkert C. & Loi S. In the beginning, there was chaos: A perspective on the development of immuno-oncological biomarkers. Semin Cancer Biol., 52(Pt 2):v-vi. (2018).
  • Boesch M., Sopper S., Marth C., Fiegl H., Wiedemair A., Rössler J., Hatina J., Wolf D., Reimer D. & Zeimet A. G. Evaluation of Vav3.1 as prognostic marker in endometrial cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol., 144(10):2067-2076. (2018).
  • Lukas Yani S., Keller M., Melzer F. L., Weinberger B., Pangrazzi L., Sopper S., Trieb K., Lobina M., Orrù V., Fiorillo E., Cucca F. & Grubeck-Loebenstein B. CD8+HLADR+ Regulatory T Cells Change With Aging: They Increase in Number, but Lose Checkpoint Inhibitory Molecules and Suppressive Function. Front Immunol., 9:1201. (2018).
  • Skvortsov S., Skvortsova I. I., Tang D. G. & Dubrovska A. Concise Review: Prostate Cancer Stem Cells: Current Understanding. Stem Cells 36(10):1457-1474. (2018).
  • Boesch M., Reimer D., Sopper S., Wolf D. & Zeimet A. G. (Iso-)form Matters: Differential Implication of Vav3 Variants in Ovarian Cancer. Oncologist., 23(7):757-759. (2018).
  • Boesch M., Spizzo G. & Seeber A. Concise Review: Aggressive Colorectal Cancer: Role of Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule in Cancer Stem Cells and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition. Stem Cells Transl Med., 7(6):495-501. (2018).
  • Molter A., Kathrein S., Kircher B. & Mohr F. Anti-tumour active gold(i), palladium(ii) and ruthenium(ii) complexes with thio- and selenoureato ligands: a comparative study. Dalton Trans. 47(14):5055-5064. (2018).
  • Obermoser V., Baecker D., Schuster C., Braun V., Kircher B. & Gust R. Chlorinated cobalt alkyne complexes derived from acetylsalicylic acid as new specific antitumor agents. Dalton Trans., 47(12):4341-4351. (2018).
  • Rabachini T., Fernandez-Marrero Y., Montani M., Loforese G., Sladky V., He Z., Bachmann D., Wicki S., Villunger A., Stroka D. & Kaufmann T. BOK promotes chemical-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice. Cell Death Differ., 25(4):708-720. (2018).
  • Reimer D., Boesch M., Wolf D., Marth C., Sopper S., Hatina J., Altevogt P., Parson W., Hackl H. & Zeimet A. G. Truncated isoform Vav3.1 is highly expressed in ovarian cancer stem cells and clinically relevant in predicting prognosis and platinum-response. Int J Cancer, 142(8):1640-1651. (2018).


  • Schuler F., Weiss J. G., Lindner S. E., Lohmüller M., Herzog S., Spiegl S. F., Menke P., Geley S., Labi V. & Villunger A. Checkpoint kinase 1 is essential for normal B cell development and lymphomagenesis. Nat Commun. 8(1):1697. (2017).
  • Ottina E., Peperzak V., Schoeler K., Carrington E., Sgonc R., Pellegrini M., Preston S., Herold M. J., Strasser A. & Villunger A. DNA-binding of the Tet-transactivator curtails antigen-induced lymphocyte activation in mice. Nat Commun. 8(1):1028. (2017).
  • Crazzolara R., Kropshofer G., Steurer M., Sopper S. & Schwinger W. Detection of Residual Donor Erythroid Progenitor Cells after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Patients with Hemoglobinopathies. J Vis Exp. (127):56002. (2017).
  • Steiner N., Borjan B., Hajek R., Jöhrer K., Göbel G., Willenbacher W., Kern J., Gunsilius E. & Untergasser G. Expression and release of glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP78) in multiple myeloma. Oncotarget., 8(34):56243-56254. (2017).
  • Gulen M. F., Koch U., Haag S. M., Schuler F., Apetoh L., Villunger A., Radtke F. & Ablasser A. Signalling strength determines proapoptotic functions of STING. Nat Commun., 8(1):427. (2017).
  • Rupp M., Hagenbuchner J., Rass B., Fiegl H., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Obexer P. & Ausserlechner M. J. FOXO3-mediated chemo-protection in high-stage neuroblastoma depends on wild-type TP53 and SESN3. Oncogene, 36(44):6190-6203. (2017).
  • Sopper S., Mustjoki S., Gjertsen B. T., Giles F., Hochhaus A., Janssen J. J. W. M., Porkka K. & Wolf D. NK cell dynamics and association with molecular response in early chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML-CP) patients treated with nilotinib. Leukemia, 31(10):2264-2267. (2017).
  • Steiner N., Hajek R., Sevcikova S., Borjan B., Jöhrer K., Göbel G., Untergasser G. & Gunsilius E. High levels of FLT3-ligand in bone marrow and peripheral blood of patients with advanced multiple myeloma. PLoS One, 12(7):e0181487. (2017).
  • Rocamora-Reverte L., Reichardt H. M., Villunger A. & Wiegers G. T-cell autonomous death induced by regeneration of inert glucocorticoid metabolites. Cell Death Dis., 8(7):e2948. (2017).
  • Lindner S. E., Lohmüller M., Kotkamp B., Schuler F., Knust Z., Villunger A. & Herzog S. The miR-15 family reinforces the transition from proliferation to differentiation in pre-B cells. EMBO Rep., 18(9):1604-1617. (2017).
  • Koeck S., Kern J., Zwierzina M., Gamerith G., Lorenz E., Sopper S., Zwierzina H. & Amann A. The influence of stromal cells and tumor-microenvironment-derived cytokines and chemokines on CD3+CD8+ tumor infiltrating lymphocyte subpopulations. Oncoimmunology,  6(6):e1323617. (2017).
  • Amann A., Zwierzina M., Koeck S., Gamerith G., Pechriggl E., Huber J. M., Lorenz E., Kelm J. M., Hilbe W., Zwierzina H. & Kern J. Development of a 3D angiogenesis model to study tumour – endothelial cell interactions and the effects of anti-angiogenic drugs. Sci Rep., 7(1):2963. (2017).
  • Salcher S., Hermann M., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Ausserlechner M. J. & Obexer P. C10ORF10/DEPP-mediated ROS accumulation is a critical modulator of FOXO3-induced autophagy. Mol Cancer, 16(1):95. (2017).
  • Gullaksen S. E., Skavland J., Gavasso S., Tosevski V., Warzocha K., Dumrese C., Ferrant A., Gedde-Dahl T., Hellmann A., Janssen J., Labar B., Lang A., Majeed W., Mihaylov G., Stentoft J., Stenke L., Thaler J., Thielen N., Verhoef G., Voglova J., Ossenkoppele G., Hochhaus A., Hjorth-Hansen H., Mustjoki S., Sopper S., Giles F., Porkka K., Wolf D. & Gjertsen B. T. Single cell immune profiling by mass cytometry of newly diagnosed chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia treated with nilotinib. Haematologica, 102(8):1361-1367. (2017).
  • Boesch M., Hoflehner E., Wolf D., Gastl G. & Sopper S. Harnessing the DNA Dye-triggered Side Population Phenotype to Detect and Purify Cancer Stem Cells from Biological Samples. J Vis Exp., (123):55634. (2017).
  • Haschka M. D. & Villunger A. There is something about BOK we just don’t get yet. FEBS J., 284(5):708-710. (2017).
  • Voráčová K., Hájek J., Mareš J., Urajová P., Kuzma M., Cheel J., Villunger A., Kapuscik A., Bally M., Novák P., Kabeláč M., Krumschnabel G., Lukeš M., Voloshko L., Kopecký J. & Hrouzek P. The cyanobacterial metabolite nocuolin a is a natural oxadiazine that triggers apoptosis in human cancer cells. PLoS One, 12(3):e0172850. (2017).
  • Fava L. L., Schuler F., Sladky V., Haschka M. D., Soratroi C., Eiterer L., Demetz E., Weiss G., Geley S., Nigg E. A. & Villunger A. The PIDDosome activates p53 in response to supernumerary centrosomes. Genes Dev., 31(1):34-45. (2017).
  • Tuzlak S., Schenk R. L., Vasanthakumar A., Preston S. P., Haschka M. D., Zotos D., Kallies A., Strasser A., Villunger A. & Herold M. J. The BCL-2 pro-survival protein A1 is dispensable for T cell homeostasis on viral infection. Cell Death Differ., 24(3):523-533. (2017).
  • Schenk R. L., Tuzlak S., Carrington E. M., Zhan Y., Heinzel S., Teh C. E., Gray D. H., Tai L., Lew A. M., Villunger A., Strasser A. & Herold M. J. Characterisation of mice lacking all functional isoforms of the pro-survival BCL-2 family member A1 reveals minor defects in the haematopoietic compartment. Cell Death Differ., 24(3):534-545. (2017).
  • Sopper S., Mustjoki S., White D., Hughes T., Valent P., Burchert A., Gjertsen B. T., Gastl G., Baldauf M., Trajanoski Z., Giles F., Hochhaus A., Ernst T., Schenk T., Janssen J. J., Ossenkoppele G. J., Porkka K. & Wolf D. Reduced CD62L Expression on T Cells and Increased Soluble CD62L Levels Predict Molecular Response to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy in Early Chronic-Phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. J Clin Oncol. 35(2):175-184. (2017).
  • van den Bruck R., Weil P. P., Ziegenhals T., Schreiner P., Juranek S., Gödde D., Vogel S., Schuster F., Orth V., Dörner J., Pembaur D., Röper M., Störkel S., Zirngibl H., Wirth S., Jenke A. C. W., Postberg J., Boy N., Heringer J., Haege G., Glahn E. M., Hoffmann G. F., Garbade S. F., Burgard P., Kölker S., Chao C. M., Yahya F., Moiseenko A., Shrestha A., Ahmadvand N., Quantius J., Wilhelm J., El-Agha E., Zimmer K. P., Bellusci S., Staufner C., Kölker S., Prokisch H., Hoffmann G. F., Seeliger S., Müller M., Hippe A., Steinkraus H., Wauer R., Lachmann B., Hofmann S. R., Hedrich C. M., Zierk J., Arzideh F., Haeckel R., Rascher W., Rauh M., Metzler M., Thieme S., Bandoła .J, Richter C., Ryser M., Jamal A., Ashton M. P., von Bonin M., Kuhn M., Hedrich C. M., Bonifacio E., Berner R., Brenner S., Hammersen J., Has C., Naumann-Bartsch N., Stachel D., Kiritsi D., Söder S., Tardieu M., Metzler M., Bruckner-Tuderman L., Schneider H., Bohne F., Langer D., Cencic R., Eggermann T., Zechner U., Pelletier J., Zepp F., Enklaar T., Prawitt D., Pech M., Weckmann M., Heinsen F. A., Franke A., Happle C., Dittrich A. M., Hansen G., Fuchs O., von Mutius E., Oliver B. G., Kopp M. V., Paret C., Russo A., Theruvath J., Keller B., El Malki K., Lehmann N., Wingerter A., Neu M. A., Aslihan G. A., Wagner W., Sommer C., Pietsch T., Seidmann L., Faber J., Schreiner F., Ackermann M., Michalik M., Rother E., Bilkei-Gorzo A., Racz I., Bindila L., Lutz B., Dötsch J., Zimmer A., Woelfle J., Fischer H. S., Ullrich T. L., Bührer C., Czernik C., Schmalisch G., Stein R., Hofmann S. R., Hagenbuchner J., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Obexer P., Ausserlechner M. J., Loges N. T., Frommer A. T., Wallmeier J., Omran H., Öner-Sieben S., Gimpfl M., Rozman J., Irmler M., Beckers J., De Angelis M. H., Roscher A., Wolf E., Ensenauer R., Nemes K., Frühwald M., Hasselblatt M., Siebert R., Kordes U., Kool M., Wang H., Hardy H., Refai O., Barwick K. E. S., Zimmerman H. H., Weis J., Baple E. L., Crosby A. H., Cirak S., Hellmuth C., Uhl O., Standl M., Heinrich J., Thiering E., Koletzko B., Blümel L., Kerl K., Picard D., Frühwald M. C., Liebau M. C., Reifenberger G., Borkhardt A., Hasselblatt M., Remke M., Tews D., Wabitsch M., Fischer-Posovszky P., Westhoff M. A., Nonnenmacher L., Langhans J., Schneele L., Trenkler N. & Debatin K. M. Abstracts of the 52nd Workshop for Pediatric Research : Frankfurt, Germany. 27-28 October 2016. Mol Cell Pediatr. 4(Suppl 1):5. (2017).
  • Ebner F., Sedlyarov V., Tasciyan S., Ivin M., Kratochvill F., Gratz N., Kenner L., Villunger A., Sixt M. & Kovarik P. The RNA-binding protein tristetraprolin schedules apoptosis of pathogen-engaged neutrophils during bacterial infection. J Clin Invest. 127(6):2051-2065. (2017).
  • Hagenbuchner J., Lungkofler L., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Viola G., Ferlin M. G., Ausserlechner M. J. & Obexer P. The tubulin inhibitor MG-2477 induces autophagy-regulated cell death, ROS accumulation and activation of FOXO3 in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget. 8(19):32009-32026. (2017).
  • Peschl P., Ramberger M., Höftberger R., Jöhrer K., Baumann M., Rostásy K. & Reindl M. Methodological Challenges in Protein Microarray and Immunohistochemistry for the Discovery of Novel Autoantibodies in Paediatric Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. Int J Mol Sci., 18(3):679. (2017).
  • Bachmann N., Crazzolara R., Bohne F., Kotzot D., Maurer K., Enklaar T., Prawitt D. & Bergmann C. Novel deletion in 11p15.5 imprinting center region 1 in a patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome provides insight into distal enhancer regulation and tumorigenesis. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 64(3). (2017).
  • Sochalska M., Schuler F., Weiss J. G., Prchal-Murphy M., Sexl V. & Villunger A. MYC selects against reduced BCL2A1/A1 protein expression during B cell lymphomagenesis. Oncogene. 36(15):2066-2073. (2017).


  • Seeber A., Gastl G., Ensinger C., Spizzo G., Willenbacher W., Kocher F., Leitner C., Willenbacher E., Amann A., Steiner N., Eisterer W., Voss A., Russell K. & Zwierzina H. Treatment of patients with refractory metastatic cancer according to molecular profiling on tumor tissue in the clinical routine: an interim-analysis of the ONCO-T-PROFILE project. Genes Cancer 7(9-10):301-308. (2016).
  • Javed A., Leuchte N., Salinas G., Opitz L., Stahl-Hennig C., Sopper S. & Sauermann U. Pre-infection transcript levels of FAM26F in peripheral blood mononuclear cells inform about overall plasma viral load in acute and post-acute phase after simian immunodeficiency virus infection. J Gen Virol., 97(12):3400-3412. (2016).
  • Zelle-Rieser C., Thangavadivel S., Biedermann R., Brunner A., Stoitzner P., Willenbacher E., Greil R. & Jöhrer K. T cells in multiple myeloma display features of exhaustion and senescence at the tumor site. J Hematol Oncol., 9(1):116. (2016).
  • Tuzlak S., Kaufmann T. & Villunger A. Interrogating the relevance of mitochondrial apoptosis for vertebrate development and postnatal tissue homeostasis. Genes Dev., 30(19):2133-2151. (2016).
  • Boesch M., Sopper S., Zeimet A. G., Reimer D., Gastl G., Ludewig B. & Wolf D. Heterogeneity of Cancer Stem Cells: Rationale for Targeting the Stem Cell Niche. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1866(2):276-289. (2016).
  • Hagenbuchner J., Rupp M., Salvador C., Meister B., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Müller T., Geiger K., Sergi C., Obexer P., Ausserlechner M. J. Nuclear FOXO3 predicts adverse clinical outcome and promotes tumor angiogenesis in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget. 7(47):77591-77606. (2016).
  • Thangavadivel S., Zelle-Rieser C., Olivier A., Postert B., Untergasser G., Kern J., Brunner A., Gunsilius E., Biedermann R., Hajek R., Pour L., Willenbacher W., Greil R. & Jöhrer K. CCR10/CCL27 crosstalk contributes to failure of proteasome-inhibitors in multiple myeloma. Oncotarget. 7(48):78605-78618. (2016).
  • Brand A., Singer K., Koehl G. E., Kolitzus M., Schoenhammer G., Thiel A., Matos C., Bruss C., Klobuch S., Peter K., Kastenberger M., Bogdan C., Schleicher U., Mackensen A., Ullrich E., Fichtner-Feigl S., Kesselring R., Mack M., Ritter U., Schmid M., Blank C., Dettmer K., Oefner P. J., Hoffmann P., Walenta S., Geissler E. K., Pouyssegur J., Villunger A., Steven A., Seliger B., Schreml S., Haferkamp S., Kohl E., Karrer S., Berneburg M., Herr W., Mueller-Klieser W., Renner K. & Kreutz M. LDHA-Associated Lactic Acid Production Blunts Tumor Immunosurveillance by T and NK Cells. Cell Metab., 24(5):657-671. (2016).
  • Trama A., Botta L., Nicolai N., Rossi P. G., Contiero P., Fusco M., Lodde M., Pannozzo F., Piffer S., Puppo A., Seeber A., Tumino R., Valdagni R. & Gatta G. Prostate Cancer High Resolution Study Working Group. Prostate cancer changes in clinical presentation and treatments in two decades: an Italian population-based study. Eur J Cancer, 67:91-98. (2016).
  • Boesch M., Sopper S. & Wolf D. Ionophore Antibiotics as Cancer Stem Cell-Selective Drugs: Open Questions. Oncologist, 21(11):1291-1293. (2016).
  • Huber J. M., Amann A., Koeck S., Lorenz E., Kelm J. M., Obexer P., Zwierzina H. & Gamerith G. Evaluation of assays for drug efficacy in a three-dimensional model of the lung. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol., 142(9):1955-66. (2016).
  • Kropshofer G., Sopper S., Steurer M., Schwinger W. & Crazzolara R. Successful management of mixed chimerism after bone marrow transplant in beta-thalassemia major. Am J Hematol. 91(9):E357-8. (2016).
  • Derudder E., Herzog S., Labi V., Yasuda T., Köchert K., Janz M., Villunger A., Schmidt-Supprian M. & Rajewsky K. Canonical NF-κB signaling is uniquely required for the long-term persistence of functional mature B cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(18):5065-70. (2016).
  • García Sáez A. J. & Villunger A. MOMP in the absence of BH3-only proteins. Genes Dev. 30(8):878-80. (2016).
  • Sakamoto K., Wehde B. L., Yoo K. H., Kim T., Rajbhandari N., Shin H. Y., Triplett A. A., Rädler P. D., Schuler F., Villunger A., Kang K., Hennighausen L. & Wagner K. U. Janus Kinase 1 Is Essential for Inflammatory Cytokine Signaling and Mammary Gland Remodeling. Mol Cell Biol., 36(11):1673-90. (2016).
  • Thielen N., Richter J., Baldauf M., Barbany G., Fioretos T., Giles F., Gjertsen B. T., Hochhaus A., Schuurhuis G. J., Sopper S., Stenke L., Thunberg S., Wolf D., Ossenkoppele G., Porkka K., Janssen J. & Mustjoki S. Leukemic Stem Cell Quantification in Newly Diagnosed Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Predicts Response to Nilotinib Therapy. Clin Cancer Res., 22(16):4030-8. (2016).
  • Seeber A., Untergasser G., Spizzo G., Terracciano L., Lugli A., Kasal A., Kocher F., Steiner N., Mazzoleni G., Gastl G. & Fong D. Predominant expression of truncated EpCAM is associated with a more aggressive phenotype and predicts poor overall survival in colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer, 139(3):657-63. (2016).
  • Pircher A., Jöhrer K., Kocher F., Steiner N., Graziadei I., Heidegger I., Pichler R., Leonhartsberger N., Kremser C., Kern J., Untergasser G., Gunsilius E. & Hilbe W. Biomarkers of evasive resistance predict disease progression in cancer patients treated with antiangiogenic therapies. Oncotarget. 7(15):20109-23. (2016).
  • Bauer E., Schlederer M., Scheicher R., Horvath J., Aigner P., Schiefer A. I., Kain R., Regele H., Hoermann G., Steiner G., Kenner L., Sexl V., Villunger A., Moriggl R. & Stoiber D. Cooperation of ETV6/RUNX1 and BCL2 enhances immunoglobulin production and accelerates glomerulonephritis in transgenic mice. Oncotarget, 7(11):12191-205. (2016).
  • Willenbacher W., Thangavadivel S., Greil R., Willenbacher E., Weger R., Manzl C., Jöhrer K. & Brunner A. Low Beclin-1 expression predicts improved overall survival in patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs for multiple myeloma and identifies autophagy inhibition as a promising potentially druggable new therapeutic target: an analysis from The Austrian Myeloma Registry (AMR). Leuk Lymphoma, 57(10):2330-41. (2016).
  • Koeck S., Zwierzina M., Huber J. M., Bitsche M., Lorenz E., Gamerith G., Dudas J., Kelm J. M., Zwierzina H. & Amann A. Infiltration of lymphocyte subpopulations into cancer microtissues as a tool for the exploration of immunomodulatory agents and biomarkers. Immunobiology 221(5):604-17. (2016).
  • Podmirseg S. R., Jäkel H., Ranches G. D., Kullmann M. K., Sohm B., Villunger A., Lindner H. & Hengst L. Caspases uncouple p27(Kip1) from cell cycle regulated degradation and abolish its ability to stimulate cell migration and invasion. Oncogene, 35(35):4580-90. (2016).
  • Boesch M., Wolf D. & Sopper S. Optimized Stem Cell Detection Using the DyeCycle-Triggered Side Population Phenotype. Stem Cells Int. 2016:1652389. (2016).
  • Ganghammer S., Gutjahr J., Hutterer E., Krenn P. W., Pucher S., Zelle-Rieser C., Jöhrer K., Wijtmans M., Leurs R., Smit M. J., Gattei V., Greil R. & Hartmann T. N. Combined CXCR3/CXCR4 measurements are of high prognostic value in chronic lymphocytic leukemia due to negative co-operativity of the receptors. Haematologica. 101(3):e99-102. (2016).
  • Martowicz A., Seeber A. & Untergasser G. The role of EpCAM in physiology and pathology of the epithelium. Histol Histopathol., 31(4):349-55. (2016).
  • Kocher F., Lunger F., Seeber A., Amann A., Pircher A., Hilbe W. & Fiegl M. Incidental Diagnosis of Asymptomatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Registry-Based Analysis. Clin Lung Cancer, 17(1):62-7.e1. (2016).
  • Willenbacher W., Willenbacher E., Zelle-Rieser C., Biedermann R., Weger R., Jöhrer K. & Brunner A. Bone marrow microenvironmental CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocyte infiltration patterns define overall- and progression free survival in standard risk multiple myeloma–an analysis from the Austrian Myeloma Registry. Leuk Lymphoma, 57(6):1478-81. (2016).
  • Hagenbuchner J., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U., Obexer P. & Ausserlechner M. J. BIRC5/Survivin as a target for glycolysis inhibition in high-stage neuroblastoma. Oncogene, 35(16):2052-61. (2016).

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